8 health and wellness guidelines

Health and well-being are one of the greatest blessings of Allah Ta'ala. It has been well said that life is where it is. If one is not sensitive, then all the colors, all the pleasures, and many blessings in the world are considered nothing. In the world of health and wellness, people do not understand the value of this blessing, but they are sick, sad, and suffering. Then, fortunately, after he had fully recovered from his illness, he realized the value and worth of this precious and abundant blessing and health is a thousand blessings. Getting the best healthy food, exercise, rest, mental and emotional peace, and timely treatment helps to keep our life calm and healthy.

Today, we tell you some health and wellness principles, if you follow them, you can live a healthy life.                                                                                                                                                      1. Eat a balanced diet: 

What we eat can affect our health in different ways because it is said that what you eat is your health, which means that if you eat the right way, you will be healthy and avoid diseases. A balanced diet requires you to include all the vitamin-rich foods in your diet. Pay attention to your diet. Cut down on fried or sweet foods. Try to eat small meals when you eat. Eating too much is also bad for your health.


                              2. Make this workout a habit: 

Health experts say that if a person exercises for two hours or walks every day, it increases blood circulation in the body, which helps patients with Very high blood pressure. Walking improves physical health and mental performance and reduces stress. For bodily exercise, it is better to wash the house yourself and choose the stairs rather than using the elevator. You don't need to join the gym                                                                                                                                              . 3. Don't neglect mental health 

Most of us only care about our physical health and focus all our attention on our physical health. If our mental health is not good, it directly affects our physical health. If you want to improve your mental health, yoga is very useful. 

4. Compulsory Breakfast: 

To avoid weakness, to maintain physical and mental health, breakfast should be taken. Skipping breakfast not only makes you feel relaxed but also increases your mood and thinking ability as a result of which your thinking ability starts to slow down. That is why medical experts advise to eat breakfast.                                                                                                                                               5. Drink more water: 

Everyone knows the importance of water, but it is not given importance. Drinking soft drinks, tea and coffee can affect your health, so it is important. And you should drink more water. Water relaxes the body and makes the whole system healthy. Drink water while sitting.                                                6. Sleep well: 

Allah created the night for sleep and health experts say that if you sleep well at night you will be healthy and energetic. Everyone should sleep at least eight hours. Getting enough sleep increases the ability to perform daily tasks while reducing fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Sleeping at night is twice as beneficial as sleeping during the day.


7. Wash your hands thoroughly: 

Washing your hands is the best way to prevent disease and its spread. Health experts said that people often catch colds, flu, and fever because dirty hands eat food and dirty hands are also the cause of disease spread                                                                                                                         8. Avoid smoking: 

If you want to live a healthy life, it is important not to smoke because smoking causes heart disease, high blood pressure, and lung problems.

                                                                                                                                  Note: This article is meant for popular information. Readers should also consult their doctor in this regard.

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