You need a drink 

When your eyes are flat instead of round, or your cornea or lens isn't curved, light can't focus in the right place. This can lead to shortsightedness (nearsightedness) and distorted vision (astigmatism). You can correct these "refractive errors" with glasses, contact lenses, or minor surgery. 

Your eyes may feel tired or dry 

Do you stare at a screen or page or concentrate on a task for long periods? People take time when they focus on that. Whenever you open your eyes, you spread tears in your eyes to make them cute, pure, and fresh. You may notice that you blink frequently, pause, and look away to avoid eye contact. It may also help to use artificial tears during the day to help lubricate your eyes

If you have diabetes. 

When your blood sugar is not well controlled, fluid can get into your eye socket and cause it to swell. This can happen before you are diagnosed or if you change your treatment, such as starting insulin. As your blood sugar returns to normal, the space is ideal. People with diabetes are more likely to develop retinopathy, bleeding behind the eye, and other eye problems, which your eye doctor will check for during your annual exam. 

Your eyes widen 

The eye may swell because it has been scratched or because it has been sprayed with something dangerous. The herpes virus from a cold sore can get into your eyes. Sleeping in your contacts, not cleaning them properly, or not throwing them away can also lead to serious infections. Immune system disorders that affect other parts of the body, such as psoriasis, IBS, and arthritis, can also cause eye inflammation.

Your blood pressure is low 

Do you also suffer from depression and headaches? Your blood pressure may be too low because you are dehydrated, perhaps from working too much in the sun. Factors such as certain medications, heart problems, poor diet, and hormonal imbalances can also cause high blood pressure and similar problems. 

Tears gather in your eyes 

This can place stress on the optic nerve and harm it. If you also see halos around lights, your eyes are very red and painful, and you feel uncomfortable, you may have a type of glaucoma called wide-angle closure glaucoma. It grows quickly and you can go blind within a day if it is not treated. Open-angle glaucoma is common, but it doesn't affect your vision at first because it progresses slowly over time. Once glaucoma affects your vision, you will never be able to regain your vision because your optic nerve has been completely damaged. The best way to prevent damage is to detect it early by visiting your doctor regularly, who will check your eye pressure. If it is too high, they can recommend eye drops or surgery to reduce eye pressure in the protective area to prevent damage and suffering. 

A migraine begins 

About 1/4 of people with migraines have visual auras, usually before the pain and within an hour. These range from bright zigzag lines, glitter, and lights to blind spots and tunnel vision. You may feel like you are looking through water or broken glass. (You can also have eye symptoms without or after a headache.) If it only happens in one eye, it won't go away in an hour or less, but it does if the vision is complete even for a few seconds, see your doctor. If it is. difficult problem. 

You have cataracts  

It is where the clouds are and the eye socket is clear. They grow slowly, usually in both eyes, when they are 55 years old. But younger people, even children, can also have them. The color may appear washed out and it will be difficult to see at night, but you may feel more like it glows. Special glasses and sunshades can help you see. Surgery can replace the black hole with an artificial lens

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