Eight mistakes that keep you from gaining belly fat

  Oh, belly fat!                                                                                      Here are eight fat-burning mistakes to avoid.                    

1. Drink fruit juice 

Yes, we know it may seem like a bad thing, but fruit juice is not the best choice because of the high sugar content in most juices. Opt for good old H20 instead. During meals, try to completely eliminate sugar from drinks. Remove the flavored coffee drink and drink it black. Or switch to unflavored tea for your coffee fix. But be careful with sports drinks. Although marketed to athletes, many sports drinks contain as much sugar as can soda. During meals, try to drink water, and only water.                                                                                                         2. Don't eat 

You might think that losing belly fat requires you to stop dieting, but fasting leads to overeating (and other dangerous behaviors). A better way? Pay attention to what you eat. Stop eating carbs, which are filling foods that go straight to our waistlines. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet (focus on green vegetables rather than starchy ones like potatoes).                                                       3. Save on protein 

Along with satiety, increasing your protein intake can help you lose weight while maintaining healthy body fat, according to new research from Shape magazine. The key, like anything else, is moderation. And choosing good sources of protein, such as lean meats, seafood, low-fat dairy, and nuts (to name a few). This means things like Greek yogurt, grilled chicken, salmon, nuts, etc.



Why is protein intake so important for weight loss? Because 25-30% of calories from each gram of protein is burned during digestion, and only 6-8% of calories are in carbohydrates. In this way, you will save calories by replacing 50 grams of protein with the same amount of carbs, with a complete effect, working to burn belly fat.                                                                                           4. Deprive yourself of sleep 

This may be familiar to you, as the link between sleep deprivation and weight gain has been written about extensively over the past few years (including here, here, and here), but it comes back again and again. Aim to sleep seven to eight hours a day. 

5. Overdoing it in training 

It's easy to think that if you train harder and work harder, your stomach will melt away. But that's the right view of things. Overdoing it can often lead to aversion training. This can lead to injury that will distract you (and prevent you from fighting belly fat). This can leave you with an incomplete workout, which means you may not be looking your best in your quest to gain more. Instead, work with a personal trainer or find an engaging workout plan you can follow online. There are many free exercise programs that you can take with you to the gym to track your progress and stick to your goals.                                                                             6. Only cardio 

Yes, cardio is important, but if your goal is to turn belly fat into abs, you need to add strength training. As WebMD says, "Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more of it you have, the more pounds you'll burn, even when you're sitting down. Do strength training more often." two a week. This is plus at least half an hour per day for 5 days a week of moderate activity such as walking or cycling. Interval training is another smart approach.



7. There is no plan 

Like any other problem you face in life, it's good to have a solid plan. One is also going to fight belly fat. For what? Because of this, you have to do many things right - eat, exercise, rest, and sleep. Reading articles like this is a great first step, but having a good plan is also important, especially when it comes to nutrition and exercise regimens. Working with a professional or a combination of professionals (such as a nutritionist and personal trainer) can help you achieve your goals of having a lean, toned, and healthy body.                                                  8. Great support 

Do you hit the elliptical or the stairs to burn fat with cardio? It's a great way to manage blood. But go one step further and let go of those hands! This immediately forces your abdominal muscles to engage so your head can help you adjust, which will burn more calories. It may seem simple, but try it and see how quickly you will feel the difference!

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